How many units can an IOS process in a single case?
We try to do all IOS cases in a model-less manner.
From what we have done, with accurate scanned data, 12-unit bridge cases, implant cases and even full mouth cases can be done in a model-less manner.
*But for a multi-implant cases, you will need to have an IOS index obtained separately from the IOS data.
What prosthetic materials are available for IOS cases?
In general, most non-casting materials are available.
The final material used for model-less cases are generally Monolithic Zirconia (Full Zirconia).
Other materials include PMMA, hybrid ceramic resin, denture-base resin, clear stent resin, glass ceramic, Pekkton and titanium are also available.
What can be designed using IOS cases?
Full Zirconia crowns and bridges, Zirconia inlays and onlays, screw-retained Zirconia, Cement-retained full Zirconia, custom abutments (titanium, Zirconia, Pekkton), Provisional crowns and bridges, implant Provisionals, hybrid resin crowns and bridges, Pekkton cores, dentures and guide stents.
All the above are available model-less, but 3D printed models are required for cases with layering design.
Is it possible to conduct a pre-op diagnosis using only IOS data?
Yes, it is possible. We can design setups, implant placement plans, diagnostics for crowns and laminated veneers using CAD software and superposition them to 2D images or to 3D face scan data and perform three-dimensional diagnosis.
We will send you the design data through screen shots or by video. If required, we will send you 3D printed models of the designed data.
For implant cases, which scan body should be used?
All scan body, library and titanium base are linked, so using the correct scan body is important.
Please be aware that using the wrong scan body can cause errors during fabrication.
Also each implant systems are different, so please contact us to discuss the matter.
What is the required time for delivery date?
It usually takes 2 weeks from the date of receiving the data, but it also depends on number of units and the design, so please contact us.